2024 Matches

Venue: Royal Dornoch

Dornoch Team
Kieran Allan (Captain)
Logan Bannerman
Luke Fairns
Mary McFall
Ali Morrison
Boris Pavlenko
Jasmine Riordan
Liam Vass

Gary Dingwall
Gary Bethune
Jim Campbell
Ally McNaughton
Gayle Mackay


Bella Bock (Captain)
Asha Bock
Paul Helms
Parker Johnson
Freddie Partington
Tommy Swift
Raunak Wadhera
TC Weninger

Scott Morcott
Wade Gurysh

Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland
Morcott Challenge at Royal Dornoch Golf Course Scotland


 To view more images from the 2024 Morcott Challenge Match click the links below:
Championship Gallery
Struie Gallery
Skibo Gallery
Social Events Gallery