2007 Matches

Venue: Hilton Head Island

Royal Dornoch Team
Cameron Sutherland
David Mackay
Lyle McAlpine
Calum Stewart
Alexander Richardson
Niall Campbell
Jamie Marshall

Mike Thomas
Gary Dingwall

Hilton Head Island Team
Jason Fick
Zack Turner
Taylor Whitehead
Ben Cohen
Rachael Uremovich
Philip North
Tyler Williams

Jim Ferree
Rocky Whitehead

The 2006 Morcott Challenge Cup was played in July of 2006 in Dornoch with the Team of Hilton Head Island as the winner.
The 2007 Cup was played on Hilton Head Island and won by the local team.

Team Dornoch: Convener Mike Thomas, Coach Gary Dingwall

Team Hilton Head: Convener Rocky Whitehead, Coach Jim Ferree

The Cool Table

The Scottish Team

The American Team


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